JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Health Office, Widyastuti, said that the number of beds in Jakarta is running low. The occupancy or bed occupation rate (BOR) for isolation at the COVID-19 referral hospital in Jakarta is 7 percent and the ICU is 6 percent.

"The use of bed or BOR or isolation is 93 percent, for ICU 94 percent. This is an extraordinary number", Widyastuti told reporters, Wednesday, July 7.

Widyastuti admitted that currently, the number of COVID-19 cases was still increasing. As of today, there are 9,439 new cases of COVID-19 and active cases reached 94,584 cases. This active case is approaching the 100 thousand mark as feared by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

"Currently, our daily active case number is more than 90,000 who need medical help. It's not a small number", said Widyastuti.

Meanwhile, DKI has added bed capacity to 140 referral hospitals from a total of 193 hospitals in Jakarta. Its capacity reaches more than 13 thousand isolation beds and ICUs.

"In non-COVID-19 conditions, we have around 24 thousand beds. Currently, more than 13,000 have been installed for COVID-19. This means that we have exceeded more than 50 percent of the capacity provided according to central regulations", she explained.

However, Widyastuti admits that the COVID-19 bed will be fuller. Therefore, one of the efforts that will be made is to quickly add more beds, in line with the implementation of Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

The addition of bed capacity is carried out with various accesses. There is even a regional public hospital in North Jakarta that has used emergency tents to accommodate COVID-19 patients.

In addition, there is additional recruitment of CPNS-based tracer personnel (case contacts) as many as 1,000 people. They will be placed in health centers and assisted in the field with the TNI-Police.

This is done to identify cases more quickly and the transmission of the virus can be suppressed.

"We add capacity every day, although this addition still cannot catch up quickly with large numbers", said Widyastuti.

"We are coordinating with the center to prepare more hospitals that can accommodate large capacities. There are several scenarios to accommodate an extraordinary spike of inactive cases. We must prepare 100 thousand quickly, we do it related to human resource processing", she added.

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