JAKARTA - Professor of Law at Al-Azhar University Indonesia (UAI) Agus Surono said the temporary closure of public areas as stipulated in the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) aims to reduce crowds that are at risk of transmitting COVID-19.

This Emergency PPKM has been in effect since last Saturday, July 3 in Java-Bali for two weeks until July 20. During this restriction, a number of public places were closed and people's mobility was restricted.

"I think the public must understand and be aware of this for mutual safety", said Surono, quoted in a written statement issued by the Committee for the Handling of COVID-19 and the National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Wednesday, July 7.

He said this restriction was also a form of state presence to suppress the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, at the same time, the government continues to strive to establish herd immunity or communal immunity by implementing national vaccinations.

Furthermore, Surono reminded that all efforts made by the central government must be synchronized and guided by local governments from the provinces, districts/cities, to villages and sub-districts.

This at the same time accelerates the fulfillment of the right to health of every community which is also an obligation of the government as stated in various laws and regulations.

"Ignoring the Central Government's policy regarding Emergency PPKM, Regional Heads who do not implement can be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of written warnings twice in a row up to temporary dismissal as stipulated in Article 68 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Law. Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government", said Surono.

Previously, in the Java Bali Emergency PPKM, activities at shopping centers, malls, and trade centers were temporarily closed. Meanwhile, food stalls, restaurants, cafes, street vendors, hawker stalls, both those located in separate locations and those located in shopping centers or malls, only accept delivery or takeaway messages and do not accept food on the spot.

In addition, places of worship and public facilities such as public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions, and other public areas are temporarily closed. Likewise, arts and cultural activities, sports and social activities such as art, culture, sports facilities, and social activities that can cause crowds and crowds are also closed during the Emergency PPKM.

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