ACEH - Hundreds of houses spread across six sub-districts in West Aceh Regency as of Tuesday, July 6 tonight are still submerged in water with a height ranging from 30 centimeters to a meter.

"No people have evacuated, except for residents' houses and a mosque which were submerged in water because it is located close to the river," said Mashuri, West Aceh BPBD Pusdalops in Meulaboh, Tuesday night.

Floods were also observed to submerge the mosque in Napai Village, West Woyla District, West Aceh Regency. The distribution of residential areas that were flooded in this area includes Blang Luah Village, Alue Leuhop, Krueng Bhee, East Woyla District.

Then the villages of Lhok Malee, Napai, Alue Leuhop, Cot Ie Mameeh, Cot Rambong, Blang Luah, Peuleukung, West Wola District.

In Meureubo District, Aceh Barat, floods also submerged two villages, namely Pasi Aceh Tunong Village and Pasi Masjid Village.

Meanwhile, in the District of Johan Pahlawan, floods inundated the villages of Suak Ribee, Kuta Padang, Seuneubok, Ujong Baroh.

The flood also submerged one village in Tumpok Ladang Village, Kaway XVI District, and Teupin Peuraho Village, Arongan Lambalek District.

Mashuri added that the cause of the flooding in some areas of West Aceh Regency was due to high rainfall, which caused the Krueng Meureubo and Krueng Woyla rivers to overflow, with water levels reaching 1.30 meters.

"As of Tuesday night, officers are still monitoring a number of flood locations," said Mashuri.

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