JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has increased its strength from 1,500 people to 2,832 personnel to oversee the policy for the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on July 3-20 in Greater Jakarta.

"Yesterday, the strength of the personnel was 1,500 police officers because they saw the situation that there needed to be an increase, so they were added to 2,832," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, Monday, July 5.

Polda Metro Jaya will also be supported by 2,263 TNI personnel and 700 personnel from the regional government security element.

These personnel are members of the Safe Nusa Task Force which will also carry out law enforcement and strict action for violators of the Emergency PPKM provisions, including supervision of non-essential and critical sectors.

The joint operation apparatus will apply two approaches, namely judicial operations and law enforcement in terms of investigations and investigations to see the criminal elements that have been violated.

"We will do it until July 20, so the Gakkum Task Force includes law enforcement from the police, then there is also a judicial operation," he said, quoted by Antara.

Kombes Yusri once again emphasized that strict police steps were taken to save the community from the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Polda Metro hopes that the community, especially in Jakarta, realizes that all the efforts of officers from the TNI-Polri and local governments will not be able to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic without public discipline in implementing health protocols.

"The action we take is to save the community, not to make Jakarta deserted, no. But how do we save the community and people want to be aware," he concluded.

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