JAKARTA - The Facebook social media page, enlivened by uploading a video of a group of underage children smoking. The smoking action occurred at the moment of Eid.
The video, uploaded by the @RojiZae account on Facebook, shows seven children smoking. Also seen were mothers carrying toddlers who were chatting on the terrace of the same house.
"All Hail Ngademin, let me share the video of the child Lagi Sebat Santuy. In Love THR, he bought cigarettes instead of candy," he wrote on the Facebook page Matchlogi Science, Thursday, May 27.
More than 100 netizens have commented on the 30-second upload. The majority of netizens are disappointed with the behavior of these children who are so relaxed about smoking with their peers.

"There are parents at home again, how come you allowed it?" Commented the netizen.
"The style is already complex, sir, with the blue sarong item," wrote another netizen.
We have contacted the chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Susanto regarding this video of children smoking. He still doesn't know where the video was taken.
"We are still coordinating with the cyber team where the location will be," said Susanto in his short message to VOI.
Prior to this, there was also a video of a family smoking together. They claim that the sin cigarettes or herbal cigarettes they smoke can ward off the corona virus.
EMOTION BGT CLOTHES😭 pic.twitter.com/CrmoYWf9Ap
- asu (@sekutIah) March 26, 2020
Dangers of Herbal Cigarettes
Even though what is consumed is claimed to be herbal cigarettes, all cigarettes still have a negative impact on health, especially during the corona virus outbreak. Adapted from Alodokter, herbal cigarettes themselves do not use tobacco, so they do not cause addiction.
Some of the ingredients in herbal cigarettes contain cloves, rose buds, bagasse, lotus leaves, lettuce, ginseng, jasmine, and so on.
"Although they do not contain nicotine and tobacco, herbal cigarettes contain plants or vegetables which, if burned, will produce carbon dioxide, tar and even a series of other poisons," as quoted by Alodokter.
Some of these ingredients can make the lungs of smokers and people inhaling their smoke threatened by various toxins from herbal cigarettes. So ordinary cigarettes and herbal cigarettes are the same danger, lowering the quality of the lungs.
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