SOLO - The Surakarta City Government, Central Java, will provide assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) affected by the implementation of emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Java-Bali.

"The PPKM social assistance for SMEs has been recorded, the numbers have been verified," said the Chief Executive of the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force, Ahyani, in Solo, Central Java, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 5.

He said that for the assistance, he used a budget from the Surakarta City Government.

According to Ahyani, later for each business actor will receive social assistance of Rp500,000.

However, his party has not determined whether the social assistance will be provided in cash or in kind. For distribution, according to him, will minimize physical contact.

"If it is through an account, hopefully, it will reduce the contact. I don't know what will happen later," he said.

For the implementation of distribution must also be based on the Decree of the Mayor of Surakarta. In addition, it also requires supporting applications in facilitating the distribution.

Meanwhile, so far the provision of social assistance has only been given to SMEs. Meanwhile, other residents who are also affected by the emergency PPKM are waiting for assistance from the central government.

"The central government will distribute more social assistance. We'll just have to wait for the central government," he said.

The Surakarta City Government has provided a budget of Rp9 billion for the implementation of emergency PPKM.

Ahyani said the number of business actors who had been verified to receive the assistance was around 17,000 business actors.

"We also provide assistance to people who are undergoing self-isolation in their respective homes," he said.

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