MEDAN - Two children in Medan with severe and rare skin diseases were taken to Medan Haji Hospital. The Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu), Edy Rahmayadi, said that the team of doctors he formed was currently observing the two children's illnesses.

Governor Edy suspected that 2 children had severe skin diseases due to exposure to mercury in his hometown, Mandailing Natal Regency.

"If we look at the position of the village, there are gold miners on it. But we can't talk like that, we'll see later, what kind of laboratory it is," said Governor Edy, Monday, July 5.

Gubsu Edy said that many people who live in gold mining areas in Mandailing Natal Regency have experienced similar incidents.

"There are many, but the context is not like that. He (born) immediately had no legs, his head was damaged. If this was the beginning, he was just like usual, perfect. But gradually it continued to be like that," he explained.

After seeing the condition of Haykal and Zakira, Governor Edy was not sure that the disease was not caused by genetic factors. Therefore, Governor Edy will wait for the doctor's diagnosis to take further medical steps.

"There might be something, that's an alternative, yes, both genetic possibilities. If it's genetic, both parents are perfect, there's nothing wrong. We will make sure what's wrong so that we can take healing steps," he said.

According to him, many gold mines in the Mandailing Natal Regency are owned by the community. Therefore, his party cannot monitor the existence of the mining activity.

"There is no company, that's each of them. So, that's actually we are in communication with the people who do mining, mining," he said.

Therefore, his party is currently communicating with local residents to no longer carry out gold mining activities.

"We transfer the income of the people who have been mining, we stop the mining. After that we prepare those who want to farm, we prepare those who want to raise livestock, we prepare those who want fisheries. That is in our condition that we invite the community, because mining using mercury is dangerous, and There's a lot of evidence," he said.

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