Golkar Politician Dedi Mulyadi Introduces Herbal Medicine Claimed To Cure COVID-19 Patients

BANDUNG - DPR member Dedi Mulyadi introduced an herbal medicine labeled HQN1 Probiotix that was mixed by Gumilar Satriawan (an expert in herbal medicine who usually treats lung patients) which is claimed to be able to cure COVID-19 patients.

“Mr. Gumilar and I used to treat lung patients, many people asked me for help. There is an experience that women come home at 10 o'clock at night, their husbands have to be operated on for Rp. 15 million, I ask Mr. Gumilar to treat him, he will recover," said Dedi Mulyadi, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 2.

According to Dedi Mulyadi, Gumilar has long been developing herbal medicines and the HQN it produces to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 in the form of HQN1 drops.

“This drug is a probiotic whose function is to build immunity, in contrast to antibiotics that are resistant. With probiotics, patients slowly have the power to overcome symptoms," said Dedi.

In practice, drops that have been labeled Halal from MUI are dripped directly on the nose to overcome respiratory tract complaints of COVID-19 sufferers.

"Drip into the nose it feels excruciatingly painful, but finally the mucus comes out and clean, the breath becomes easier," he said.

In addition to the nose, this herbal medicine can also be dripped on drinks and according to Dedi, the taste of the drink will taste sour but it works to restore the senses of taste and smell back to normal.

"On average, if the patient does not use antibiotics, four days is normal, at most a week," he said.

Dedi himself hopes that the presence of herbal medicines such as HQN1 can help reduce the rate of increase in COVID-19 cases.

According to him, this drug can be used communally so that COVID-19 patients do not need to be referred to the hospital.

"This is easier, more practical than having to transport patients to the hospital, how much will it cost, we can send this directly to the house, so that the patient stays at home," said Dedi.

Gumilar Satriawan in his explanation of the product said that HQN1 Probiotix Herbal Drops is a liquid composed of BacterioPhages and organic chemicals from Special Fermentation which form bio actives where each compound has advantages to help overcome severe and minor ailments naturally.

According to him, HQN1 Probiotix Herbal Drops inherits the way of making the ancestors of the archipelago which is still relevant in the modern medical era.

HQN1 will be in the body's immune cells to strengthen the reach and phagocytosis against pathogens. If there is a pathogen in the organ then HQN1 will bind to the virus/bacteria, to be excreted through mucus, urine or feces.

"If there are still residual pathogens in the form of viruses, bacteria and fungi that are bad, they will not infect the cells of the human body because they are inactive," he said.

By consuming HQN1 Probiotix 2-3 times a day it is claimed to be able to prevent its consumption from any dangerous viruses including COVID-19.

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