JAKARTA - As many as 31 officers at the Cihara Health Center, Lebak Regency, Banten were exposed to COVID-19. Public health services are finally served by the nearest health center.

"All employees of the local health center have tested positive for the Coronavirus", said a spokesman for the Lebak Regency COVID-19 Acceleration and Handling Task Force, Dr. Firman Rahmatullah, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 30.

The Cihara Health Center officers who were infected with the Coronavirus started as heads, nurses, midwives, administration, treasurers to ambulance drivers.

It is possible that they were officers who were exposed to the corona due to close contact with patients who were positive for COVID-19.

However, he said, the officer who was exposed to the corona was an asymptomatic person (OTG).

Therefore, those exposed to the Coronavirus do not need to be referred to the Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital.

All of the officers, he said, were only undergoing self-isolation at home.

"We will serve the community again on July 5", he said.

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