JAKARTA - A total of 772 employees with the status of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and non-ASN in the Bandung City government, West Java have tested positive for COVID-19.

This is based on data from the Agency for Personnel and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) of Bandung City, West Java.

Head of the Bandung City BKPSDM Adi Junjunan Mustafa said the employees consisted of 596 ASN and 176 non-ASN.

"The data until yesterday (Tuesday, June 29) that came to us from all regional apparatus organizations, ASN who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 were 596, and non-ASN were 176," Adi said as reported by Antara, June 30.

Based on the official website of the Bandung City Government, data.bandung.go.id, the number of ASN in the local municipal government in 2020 amounted to 14,276 people from various echelon ranks.

According to Adi, the most positive COVID-19 employees are in the Health Service environment who are on duty at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) or at the Puskesmas.

"The data is still being updated continuously, but most of them at the Health Office are the same as in hospitals, which is about 80 people," he said.

Adi said the employees who were exposed to COVID-19 were self-isolating in their respective homes. On average, these employees have mild symptoms ranging from coughing, sore throat, and others.

"Hopefully they will have a good immune system while they are self-isolating at home," said Adi.

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