JEMBRANA - The Bali Basarnas team deployed personnel to the location of the sinking of the KMP Yunicee ship in Gilimanuk Waters, Jembarana Regency, Bali. Dozens of people were evacuated.

From the data obtained by Basarnas Bali, the number of passengers of KMP Yunicee was 53 people, including 12 crew and 41 passengers.

The SAR team with KMP Suakarya managed to evacuate 27 passengers safely.

"Then, at 21.00 WITA, KMP Samudera Utama managed to evacuate 17 passengers safely," said Darmada, Tuesday, June 29 evening.

Meanwhile, at around 21:20 WITA, fishermen managed to evacuate 6 passengers who were dead.

"6 passengers who died were evacuated to the Gilimanuk health center (among them) 4 women and 2 men," said Darmada.

Meanwhile, a number of survivors from the sinking of KMP Yunicee in Gilimanuk waters, Bali were evacuated to Ketapang Harbor, Banyuwangi, East Java.

The victims were evacuated by a ferry near the location of the sinking of KMP Yunicee. The survivors were then taken to a nearby hospital.

From observations at the Ketapang Harbor pier, a number of ambulances were alerted to evacuate victims.

"All family and friends please go to the north post, the victim will be taken to the north post," said the officer at Ketapang Port through loudspeakers, Tuesday, June 29.

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