JEMBRANA - There were 4 victims who died from the sinking of KMP Yunicee in Gilimanuk waters, Bali, which were found. The victim was taken to the Gilimanuk Health Center.

"Four (who were recently found dead). Now we will direct them to Gilimanuk Health Center," said Jembrana Police Chief, Bali, AKBP I Ketut Gede Adi Wibawa, Tuesday, June 29.

Meanwhile, the survivors are still being collected. KMP Yunicee which sank in Gilimanuk was carrying 41 passengers.

"So we are still focused on evacuating. There are also survivors who were evacuated to Ketapang," he added.

Evacuation was carried out from the direction of Ketapang, East Java and sweeping in Gilimanuk waters. KMP Yunicee moved from Ketapang to Bali at around 19.30 WITA.

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