JAKARTA - The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri, highlighted the prevalence of domestic violence (KDRT) in the community.

She mentioned that families should play a role and build each other up but now the opposite is happening.

"When I see it on TV now, I have a headache. Children are killed by their own parents, children kill their own parents. Why? Why? Please think about it", said Megawati in a webinar broadcast on the Megawati Institute's YouTube, Tuesday, June 29. .

She also mentioned domestic violence that is often perpetrated by the head of the family. According to her, the man who is the head of the family should protect his wife and children.

But what is happening today is that many husbands commit acts of violence against their wives and children.

"Imagine, why do you want to be slapped by your husband? If I don't want to. Well, yes, from a religious perspective it is said that men are the imam, the priest. Imam is something that should, I mean, be a high class", she said.

Mega also criticizes women who sometimes hinder the progress of their own people. In fact, women should be able to get the same success as herself when building a nation.

"For my example, a woman can become president, vice president, three times in the House of Representatives, be general chairman of the party until now. Actually you can too", she said.

It's just that, to achieve success, women need support from their partners. "Well, the boy also obeyed", she said.

"Because it's impossible if there is a sun, there is a moon. If there is a mother there is a father. If there is a wife there is a husband", concluded Megawati.

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