JAKARTA - Jokowi's National Secretariat (Seknas), Never mind! canceled in the near future due to the reason the COVID-19 pandemic is still very worrying. Jokowi's National Secretariat, Never mind or SJS is a community that rejects the discourse of 3 presidential terms.

SJS is also a rival to the 2024 Jokowi-Prabowo Community National Secretariat (Jokpro) formed by the Executive Director of Indobarometer, M. Qodari, who wants Jokowi to continue his leadership for 3 terms.

Jokowi's National Secretariat Initiator, Never mind! (SJS) Adhie Massardi admitted that he failed to declare the group because the presidium of SJS is focusing on helping the people break the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

"Seknas Jokowi, never mind! which was sounded last week is still in the refrigerator. The members of the SJS Presidium are concerned about saving the public from the deadly variant of COVID-19," Adhie told reporters on Monday, June 28.

When asked further about the SJS, according to him, the discourse of 3 presidential terms is contrary to the constitution.

Because Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia reads, "The President and Vice President hold office for five years, and after that they can be re-elected in the same office, only for one term".

SJS, he said, wanted to strengthen the authority of the 1945 Constitution by activating Article 7A of the 1945 Constitution.

"This article has explicitly stated, "The President and/or the Vice President may be dismissed during their term of office by the People's Consultative Assembly at the proposal of the House of Representatives, if they are proven to have violated the law in the form of treason against the state, corruption, bribery, other serious crimes. , or a disgraceful act or if it is proven that he no longer meets the requirements as President and/or Vice President," he said.

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