JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) held a joint prayer in response to the high spike in COVID-19 cases that has occurred for some time. Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi in his remarks said, the joint prayer was held to remind the public to be more vigilant and continue to be introspective that the pandemic "We will be able to face this pandemic trial together by continuing to strive, be patient, and pray for strength to Allah SWT with faith and piety," said Budi Karya in a joint prayer with the Ministry of Transportation's extended family which was held online, reported by Antara, Sunday. , June 27.

Budi Karya said that the Ministry of Transportation has tried to minimize the potential for Covid-19 transmission by making a number of transportation policies that can be used as guidelines for the community in carrying out their activities. According to him, these efforts need to be accompanied by an effort to pray to God Almighty so that Indonesia and the whole world can rise from the pandemic. "I ask all of my friends to pray for each other, strengthen and support each other, and increase faith in order to pass this test," he said. On the same occasion, the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Nasaruddin Umar, appreciated the efforts made by the Ministry of Transportation. . He hopes that the joint prayer will also be carried out by other ministries. "As far as I remember, only one ministry has done this (joint prayer) like this. This is a spiritually intelligent idea that emerged from the Ministry of Transportation," said Nasaruddin Umar. and belief through faith is no less important than individual immunity in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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