JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's plan to increase vehicle parking rates has become a polemic. The chairman of the DPD RI, AA La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, asked Anies Baswedan and the DKI Provincial Government to study more deeply the plan before it was realized.

The plan to increase parking rates in Jakarta will later be contained in the revised Regulation of the Governor (Pergub) of DKI Jakarta Province Number 31 of 2017. In the explanation of the DKI Transportation Department, the maximum parking rate will be applied to Class A and Class B vehicles parked in the KPP corridor (Parking Control Area). . This is a location where the main road has been integrated with mass public transportation. This is the press release received by VOI, Saturday, June 26.

Class A parking rates for cars can reach Rp 60,000/hour and Class B Rp 40,000/hour. Then for motorcycle parking rates at KPP class A, it is proposed that the maximum is Rp. 18,000/hour and Class B is the maximum of Rp. 12,000/hour. The amount of the tariff will apply to onstreet and offstreet on land owned by the local government.

"I appeal to the plan to increase parking rates in DKI Jakarta to be thoroughly studied. What is the level of effectiveness, and whether the amount is reasonable and can be fulfilled by the residents," said LaNyalla.

The current class A car parking rate is Rp. 9,000/hour at the highest and for class B the highest is Rp. 6,000/hour. Meanwhile, the highest motorbike parking rate is Rp. 4,500/hour for class A and Rp. 3,000/hour for class B.

Later, the increase in parking rates will also apply to private land locations even though the fees charged are cheaper. The DKI Provincial Government proposes the highest parking rate of Rp. 25,000/hour.

According to La Nyalla, the implementation of the new rules must also take into account the economic conditions of the residents of the capital. "We know that the economy is currently experiencing a very difficult impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't think it's good if the increase in parking rates is done while the pandemic is still hitting. There must be an evaluation of when the increase in parking rates will start," he said.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government reasoned that the increase in parking rates was done to suppress private vehicles and make people switch to public transportation. This is considered important as an effort to reduce congestion in Jakarta.

“But will it really be effective? The DKI Provincial Government (Gubernus Anies Baswedan) should focus more on improving public transportation facilities. Because it is no longer a secret how inadequate public transportation services in Jakarta are," said La Nyalla.

Public transportation

The senator from East Java reminded that there is still a lack of buses and trains in Jakarta. La Nyalla questioned the readiness of public transportation in case of additional passengers.

"Currently we see that every day there is still a buildup of passengers on public transportation. It's no secret that buses and KRL passengers are jostling, including until now when we are in a state of the COVID-19 pandemic, where everyone should keep their distance to avoid the spread of the virus. So are transportation facilities and services adequate in Jakarta?” he said.

La Nyalla is also pessimistic that the increase in parking rates will make people who usually drive cars switch if the feasibility and services of public transportation in DKI are not improved.

La Nyalla. (Istimewa)
La Nyalla. (Special)

"Is it the high increase in parking rates that will then make people interested in driving by using public transportation? This should be a consideration. Is it true that the increase in parking rates is effective in attracting the upper middle class to switch from private vehicles to public transportation, especially during this pandemic period," he explained.

The former chairman of PSSI is aware that the local government continues to be creative to generate regional income. However, La Nyalla hopes that the local government's policies will not generate controversy because they can trigger the emergence of new problems.

“I am worried that the high parking rate increase will increase the number of illegal parking spaces. The impact will be detrimental to society. Not to mention online motorcycle taxi drivers who often get orders to buy food or goods, it will definitely be very burdensome," he explained.

Right time

For this reason, La Nyalla hopes that the policy of increasing vehicle parking rates in Jakarta is not implemented until it is known how effective it is.

"It must be studied further. And I hope that the local government in making policies can be more humane so that it doesn't create a commotion in the community," he said.

In the near future, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency will also test the highest parking rates in three locations, namely the IRTI Monas parking area, the West Jakarta Samsat parking lot, and Blok M Square. There are several criteria that will be subject to the highest tariff, including vehicles with high emissions and vehicles that are late in paying taxes.

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