JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies said there had been Rp 3.36 trillion through the credit program from BUMD Bank DKI which had been distributed. This budget is sourced from the distribution of the central government's National Economic Recovery (PEN) funds.

"The PEN fund is used by Bank DKI for lending to the productive sector so that it can encourage economic growth, especially in the micro, retail and corporate segments," said Anies in his statement, Saturday, June 26.

To the wholesale and retail trade sector, Bank DKI has disbursed PEN funds amounting to Rp904.1 billion or 26.91 percent of the total PEN fund distribution.

Anies said that distribution in this sector was mainly channeled to MSME debtors, including existing micro-debtors of Bank DKI, JakPreneur fostered debtors, MSMEs in Perumda Pasar Jaya markets, as well as Cooperatives and Rural Banks.

In addition, PEN credit is also channeled to the construction sector which builds public facilities and infrastructure in the DKI Jakarta area, amounting to Rp.450.5 billion, or 13.41 percent of the total PEN funds that have been distributed by Bank DKI.

In addition to the disbursement of PEN funds, DKI has also distributed cash social assistance (BST) from January to May 2021 to 1,142,294 beneficiary families (KPM). Meanwhile, 1,057,079 KPM or 92.54 families received BST via ATM cards.

From this program, Anies admits that he believes the rise of Jakarta is a necessity, because its citizens are actively involved in every development activity.

"Keep working, keep contributing and keep collaborating, God willing, Jakarta Rises to be stronger," said Anies.

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