JAKARTA - Head of Cijantung Village, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Haerudin died while undergoing treatment at Pasar Minggu Hospital. Cijantung Village Head was exposed to COVID-19.

The Head of Pasar Rebo, Raden Anthoni Widodo, confirmed the news. The body was buried at the Bambu Apus TPU with the COVID-19 protocol.

"Because he died from COVID, there was no ceremony to release the body," said Anthoni, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 25.

Anthoni said, on Monday, June 14, the late Haerudin had made a visit to monitor one of its residents who was undergoing self-isolation (isoman).

He added that Haerudin's condition had experienced a fever after returning from a visit to the resident's house.

"According to his wife, the deceased often complained of not feeling well and having a fever. Finally, we asked him to rest at home," said Anthoni.

Anthoni expressed his deep condolences for the death of the Cijantung Lurah and appealed to all ASN and the public to continue to apply health protocols.

"We grieve and let's pray that the deeds of worship of the deceased are accepted by Him and the families left behind are patient and steadfast in dealing with them," said Anthoni.

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