JAKARTA - Commission C of the DKI DPRD asked the DKI Provincial Government to ask the DKI Provincial Government to take advantage of the remaining unexpected costs (BTT) in the 2021 APBD to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination. Currently, BTT DKI remaining Rp84.76 billion.

"Commission C has agreed (the rest of the BTT) is to handle vaccines so that the people of Jakarta can be vaccinated as much as possible. When that is finished, then we will concentrate on others," said Secretary of Commission C of the DKI DPRD, Yusuf in his statement, Friday, June 25.

The total number of vaccination targets for DKI Jakarta Province is 8,815,157 people. For program vaccination, the current total dose 1 is 3,753,451 people, 43 percent and the total dose 2 now reaches 1,898,567 people, 22 percent.

In addition, President Joko Widodo also ordered DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to accelerate vaccination. Jokowi has set a target that 7.5 million people in Jakarta have been vaccinated by the end of August.

"This (BTT) budget is very much needed to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmissions, which until now continues to soar," said Yusuf.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD), Edi Sumantri, stated that he would consider the request.

This is because the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has so far budgeted for health spending activities for handling Covid-19 of 8 percent of the central government's revenue-sharing funds. Where, it has also accommodated the cost of vaccination.

It is known, at the beginning of the pandemic, the DKI Provincial Government had a BTT budget of Rp2.13 trillion. Finally, in mid-2020, DKI began to spend BTT until the budget was running low. So, currently, the remaining BTT DKI is Rp84.7 billion.

"Our BTT is the remaining Rp84.7 billion. I report that this rate is a critical number. If there are developments later, I will report it," said Edi.

Edi explained that the reduction in the BTT budget was due to the transfer of the budget to the regional work unit (SKPD) expenditure program related to handling COVID-19, social protection, and economic recovery.

This follows the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 17/PMK.07/2021 regarding the management of Transfers to Regions and Village Funds (TKDD) for Fiscal Year 2021 in order to support the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts.

Of the BTT Rp2.13 trillion, allocated Rp1.23 trillion for health spending, Rp1.43 trillion for social protection, and Rp991.2 billion for regional economic support.

Later, the BPKD received a refund of the BTT balance that was previously intended to be used by the Social Service and Transportation Service of Rp53 billion related to the COVID-19 handling program. Thus, the remaining balance of DKI Jakarta's BTT stands at Rp84.76 billion.

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