JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi said as many as 3,308 rooms from 26 hajj dormitories throughout Indonesia are ready to be used as isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients following the soaring rate of transmission of the dangerous virus.

"There are 3,308 rooms that are ready to be used for COVID-19 patients. It can accommodate approximately 10 thousand people," said Zainut, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 24.

The availability of rooms for the isolation of COVID-19 patients after the Deputy Minister of Religion and his staff at the Ministry of Religion conducted a review of the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta.

Especially for Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, there are three buildings that have been prepared and can accommodate 556 COVID-19 patients. Building A with 44 rooms can accommodate 172 people.

While building B has 36 rooms that can accommodate 144 people, and building C has 36 rooms that can accommodate 240 people.

According to him, the Ministry of Religion is only able to prepare isolation rooms, while support teams such as medical personnel, medicines, and food must coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force, BNPB, Kodam, and the local Health Service.

"Meanwhile, medical personnel, medicines, security personnel, and consumption are handed over to the local government and the respective health offices," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organizers (PHU) Ramadhan Harisman said his party would invite the COVID-19 Task Force, BNPB, Kodam, and Health Service to coordinate isolation room services in Hajj dormitories.

"The handling of COVID-19 patients is under the authority of the Health Office. Meanwhile, for consumption, medical personnel, medicines, and security personnel are the authority of the relevant local agencies," he said.

The Director of the Jakarta Hajj Hospital Mahesa Paranadipa added that currently there are 44 COVID-19 patients being treated at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory.

"Currently, the Arafah Building that is being used has been used for COVID-19 patients. The Arafah Building consists of four floors, each room can be filled by two people," he said.

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