JAKARTA - As of Tuesday, June 22, residents of Sukabumi, West Java who have died due to being confirmed positive for COVID-19 have reached 267 people spread across the City and District of Sukabumi.

Of these, the number of confirmed positive COVID-19 patients from Sukabumi Regency was 188 residents and Sukabumi City was 79 residents, the majority of the patients who died were elderly and had other diseases or comorbidities.

"On Tuesday, the number of patients who died increased again, namely a 52-year-old male resident of Bantargadung Sub-district. Apart from being confirmed positive for COVID-19, there was also an asthma co-morbidity. So that since the beginning of the pandemic, 188 people have died from being infected with this virus," said the Public Relations Task Force. Eneng Yulia's Sukabumi Regency COVID-19 Handling Acceleration in Sukabumi, reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 23.

According to him, in June, his party received reports of a high number of cases of deaths from patients with COVID-19, as on Monday, June 21, there were 10 incoming reports regarding patients who died.

In addition, new cases of residents who have been confirmed positive in the last few days are quite high, namely, on Monday there were 55 cases and Tuesday there were 25 cases. Thus, the total residents of Sukabumi Regency who have contracted the deadly virus have reached 5,741 patients, of which 5,238 have been declared cured and 315 are still undergoing isolation.

"The transmission of COVID-19 is still increasing and the number fluctuates, so don't underestimate the existence of the virus because it has been proven that many have died. Anyone can be infected, don't let people we love become victims, therefore discipline to apply the 5M health protocol," he added.

Meanwhile, spokesman for the Sukabumi City COVID-19 Task Force, Wahyu Handriana, said on Tuesday that three more patients died, namely a woman aged 61, a resident of the Gunungpuyuh Village/Sub-district with comorbid diabetes who died while undergoing isolation at the Setukpa Police Hospital.

Then a 64-year-old man from Karamat Village, Gunungpuyuh District died at the Setukpa Police Hospital whose comorbidity was not known. Finally, an 83-year-old man, a resident of Nyomplong Village, Warudoyong District, died at R Syamsudin SH Hospital, Sukabumi City.

For new cases, 38 people have been added, thus the total number of residents who have been confirmed positive to date are 3,104 patients, 2,631 patients have recovered, 394 are still undergoing isolation.

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