ACEH - The Aceh COVID-19 Handling Task Force has updated the data on patients who recovered and died from COVID. As of Tuesday, June 22 today, 79 patients have been declared cured. The total number of cases in Aceh has reached 13.868 people.

"There have been another 79 recovered patients, 63 new positive cases, and 10 COVID-19 patients were reported to have died in the last 24 hours", said Aceh COVID-19 Spokesperson Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh.

The addition of recovered patients was the most from residents from Southwest Aceh 24 people, Pidie Jaya 22 people, Pidie 20 people, Aceh Singkil nine people, Banda Aceh 2 people, and 1 person each from Sabang and Aceh Tamiang.

Meanwhile, the 63 new cases per day include 15 people in Banda Aceh, 11 in Nagan Raya, eight in West Aceh, seven in Pidie, four in Bireuen and West Aceh, three in Lhokseumawe, two in South Aceh and Gayo Lues.

Furthermore, each of the residents of Central Aceh, North Aceh, Aceh Singkil, Southwest Aceh, and Aceh Jaya as well as two other people from outside the Aceh region, said Saifullah.

"Meanwhile, 10 people with COVID-19 died, namely six people from Pidie, two from Banda Aceh, and one from Lhokseumawe and Langsa each", he said.

The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Aceh has reached 18.434 people. In detail, 13.868 people have recovered, 744 people have died and 3.822 people are still under treatment or self-isolation.

He added that the transmission of COVID-19 still continued to occur in the community even though the daily number of cases reported was lower than the previous day.

Therefore, he appealed to the people of the Serambi Mekkah to continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds, and reducing mobility.

"Estimates of COVID-19 transmission are still very high in the community, this is not a fabrication", said Saifullah.

He also recommended that the district/city COVID-19 Task Force conduct aggressive testing and tracing to find people who have been infected.

"The sooner the sources of transmission are found, the sooner they are isolated so that the coronavirus does not spread further in the community", he said.

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