PADANG - Two motorcycle riders suffered serious injuries as a result of falling after being hit by a power line in Banda Gadang, Nagari Tiku Selatan, Agam, West Sumatra.

Acting Wali Nagari Tiku Selatan, Weri Ikhwan, in Lubukbasung said that as a result of the incident the passenger on behalf of Siti Rakam (48) suffered a laceration to the back of the head due to a collision, and the driver on behalf of Fajar Pratama (24) suffered bruises.

"The victims are mother and son and they are being treated at Mutiara Biru Clinic not far from the location", he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 22.

Weri said that the incident began when the victim riding a Yamaha NMAX motorbike headed to the victim's house.

Arriving at the scene, winds accompanied by heavy rainfall hit the area. As a result, a tree fell on a shop in that location, which belonged to Desta Warni (48).

The tree also hit the power line, hitting the two victims and their motorbike falling.

"Residents immediately took the victim to the Mutiara Biru Clinic for treatment", said Weri.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Syafrizal, added that the Task Force was cleaning up a fallen tree that hit the stall.

"Cleaning of trees that hit the shop owned by residents is continuing", he said.

Apart from Tiku, a fallen tree also hit the house belonging to Dedi Akmal (48), a resident of Balai Satu, South Malalak Nagari, Malalak District. The house is moderately damaged on the roof of the room.

"There were no fatalities as a result of the incident and I urge residents to always increase their vigilance during strong winds and rain", he said.

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