JAKARTA - Four former leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have given information to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding alleged violations in the process of implementing the National Insight Test (TWK) on Friday, June 18.

The former leader who was present offline was Mochammad Jasin. While the rest, namely Abraham Samad, Saut Situmorang, and Bambang Widjojanto attended online.

There are a number of things that Komnas HAM investigators have uncovered against them, one of which is the mechanism for dismissing employees. This was conveyed by the former Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, M Jasin, after giving a direct statement at the Komnas HAM office, Jalan Latuharhary, Central Jakarta.

According to him, the dismissal of KPK employees cannot be arbitrary because there must be a clear background and audits carried out by internal supervisors. So, before dismissing its employees, the KPK first investigates allegations of ethical violations and other violations, including violations of the law.

"So it's not just a test and then as a basis for removing KPK employees, you can't. The basis must be an audit or examination," he told reporters at the time.

Furthermore, Jasin said that the anti-corruption commission employees are those who are paid from the APBN when referring to Government Regulation No. 63 of 2005 concerning the Human Resources Management System of the KPK. So, his dismissal must be based on the things regulated in the regulation.

"These include general violations, violations of the code of ethics, or not being able to achieve performance or passing away," he said.

"So there is no such test, the test base, for example, this TWK in PP No. 41 of 2020, there is no clause that there is a test that ends in dismissal. That doesn't exist," added Jasin.

For information, in the process of transitioning KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus (ASN), there were 75 people who were declared failed because they did not pass the TWK.

Those who did not qualify included senior investigator Novel Baswedan, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum who is also investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign Giri Suprapdiono, Head of the KPK Task Force Harun Al-Rasyid as well as a number of other investigators and investigators. This then raises the issue of targeting these employees, especially those who handle high-profile corruption cases.

Furthermore, those who did not pass were deactivated so that they could not carry out their duties as KPK employees. However, the KPK recently said it would fire 51 of its 75 employees who were declared unsuccessful because they could not be trained.

While the rest, as many as 24 employees will be trained first through education in defending the country and national insight, but they can also be fired if they are declared not to have passed.

Although Jasin said TWK should not be a reference for the dismissal of dozens of employees, KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron said otherwise. This test, he said, became a condition for the transfer of employee status after it was regulated in Perkom Number 1 of 2021.

"Indeed, if you ask, TWK has never been regulated in law. It has never been regulated. But to fulfill the requirements, what if it is not tested," he said some time ago to reporters, Thursday, May 27.

"You, for example, if you want to enter a media company, ask for a TOEFL for example 500, then what documents, can you do a self-test or use a TOEFL certificate? That's an example of why there is a TWK," added Ghufron.

For this reason, TWK was then deliberately used as a mechanism for transferring its employee status even though in the end there were dozens who were declared unsuccessful.

"As a result, there are those who meet the requirements, some do not. How about the KPK? The leadership realizes that the existence of the KPK is not because of the 16-story high building, not because of sophisticated equipment, but especially human resources," said Ghufron.

"So, we emphasize, we are all not only fighting for, but we love them all. But, we also have to understand, there are differences in the system between KPK employees and ASN which between systems must solve each other, then those who adjust or comply with the requirements of the ASN who can only be accepted as ASN," he concluded.

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