Revealing The Death Of A Journalist In North Sumatra, LPSK Encourages Witness To Vote
Head of LPSK Hasto Atmojo Suroyo. (Intermediate Photo)

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) encourages witnesses to speak out regarding the shooting case by an unknown person that killed Marasalem Harahap, a journalist and editor-in-chief of a local media in North Sumatra.

Head of LPSK Hasto Atmojo Suroyo in his statement, in Jakarta, Sunday, said LPSK was ready to provide protection for witnesses who saw, heard and knew about the incident.

Therefore, LPSK encourages witnesses not to be afraid to report and provide information in order to reveal the motives, evidence, and perpetrators in the shooting incident.

Marsalem Harahap bersama rekan-rekan. (Istimewa)
Marsalem Harahap with colleagues. (Special)

Hasto Atmojo Suroyo said his party had assigned staff to meet the families of the victims to express their condolences and offer protection.

"We convey to the victim's family that LPSK is ready to protect the witnesses in this case, including the family if they have important information for the investigation and investigation process," he said as reported by Antara.

Hasto stated that his party also supports the police to thoroughly investigate the case, and stated that they are ready to coordinate regarding the protection of witnesses who wish to provide information so that they can receive protection guarantees. It is important to protect witnesses so that they can feel calmer in giving statements.

"We guarantee that witnesses can safely testify without fear and threats," he said

Hasto condemned acts of violence against journalists, especially when it caused someone to lose their life as happened to Marasalem Harahap. He said the legal process against the perpetrators must be enforced in accordance with applicable regulations.

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