JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) said that the fugitive from the illegal logging case, Adelin Lis was treated like a high-risk convict. In fact, when he was in Singapore, he was under extra strict guard.

"At 18:40 Singapore time, the convict got on Garuda flight GA-837. Then when the convict entered Singapore (Changi) Airport, there was a fairly tight escort by four officers from the Singapore police by treating the convict as a high-risk DPO," said Kapuspenkum AGO Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak at the Attorney General's Office, Saturday, June 19.

In fact, when taken to Indonesia by airplane, Adelin Lis was also escorted without a gap. There were at least two prosecutors sitting on his left and right.

"The convict sat in seat number 57T. Meanwhile, two officers of the Adhyaksa Corps flanked him in seats number 57D and 57F," said Leonard.

However, about the cell placement for Adelin Lis, who is a high-risk convict, Leonard has not been able to explain it. Because, currently Adelin Lis has to undergo a 14-day quarantine period.

"Mita will coordinate with the Directorate General of Corrections," he said.

Adelin Lis is a fugitive in corruption and illegal logging cases. At that time he was the Director of PT Keang Nam Development Indonesia who had been sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Supreme Court in 2008.

In addition, Adelin Lis was also fined Rp. 1 billion and a substitute money of Rp. 119.8 billion and a reforestation fund of US$2.938 million.

Adelin has been running from Indonesia since November 2007. In 2018, she was arrested by the Singaporean authorities for a passport forgery case. A Singapore court then ordered him to pay a fine of 14,000 Singapore dollars and be deported.

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