JAKARTA - More than 40 years after the first TGV was launched, the latest generation of France's iconic high-speed train was launched last May, amid increasing competition for high-speed trains in the world.
Although it will only be officially launched ahead of the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics, the train's first engine was introduced at a press conference on May 26 at the Belfort Factory, France on May 26 last.
Compared to the previous version, the evolution of the style is obvious. The front of the train has a reptile profile similar to that of the Japanese Shinkansen. The inspiration for the new design was undoubtedly entomological as well, as evidenced by the black headlights and the large glass surface of the cabin,
Named 'Avelia Horizon' by Alstom, the new train has been called 'TGV M' by French rail operator SNCF, 'M' for modern and modular. This train was indeed worked on with Alstom with SNCF.

Unlike the previous incarnation of the TGV, this train configuration can be adjusted to suit operational needs, whether adding or removing carriages, including rearranging the carriage interior.
Launching Euronews, the TGV M is said to be able to recycle up to 97 percent, compared to the current generation TGV which can only be recycled up to 90 percent. SNCF said the maintenance cost of the TGV M is also predicted to be 30 percent lower than the current generation TGV.
In July 2018, SNCF ordered one hundred new train sets from Alstom for 2.7 billion euros. The first trains will be operational by the end of the first quarter of 2024. Deliveries will be made until 2031.
The top speed of this fourth generation TGV will be the same as the current generation, which is 320 km/h. However, the new high-speed train will be able to carry 20 percent more passengers, accommodating up to 740 people per train in its maximum configuration, compared to the current 600.

In all, four electric locomotives are being assembled at the Belfort plant. The first locomotive, which will be combined between two powered locomotives like the current generation, is being assembled at another manufacturing site in La Rochelle, western France.
Interestingly, the TGV-M will not be exclusive to France. Its designers at Alstom hope to see it one day in other European countries, where open competition between operators is fierce. In May, for example, SNCF launched its low-cost Ouigo TGV service in Spain for Madrid-Barcelona relations.
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