JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya asked the people of DKI Jakarta to exercise on the weekends at home. Because the current case of COVID-19 is out of control.

"Please, the people of Jakarta, Saturday and Sunday should stay at home, exercise at home. There is no need to go to crowded places," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Friday, June 18.

However, Yusri continued, for people who still want to exercise outside the home such as cycling, they are still allowed. As long as people continue to apply health protocols.

"Cycling activities are welcome, but according to prokes regulations. What needs to be anticipated is the crowd in the park, after sports get together, sit around," he said.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan asked the people of Jakarta to stay at home during the weekend, namely Saturday and Sunday tomorrow. This is because COVID-19 cases in the capital are currently on the rise.

"We encourage all people in Jakarta and its surroundings, Saturday and Sunday to stay at home, unless there is an urgent and basic need," said Anies at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta.

According to Anies, weekends are holidays for the majority of people, except for the essential sector. Therefore, these two days can be used by residents to refrain from doing activities outside the home.

"We hope that the community is equally aware that we are currently still in a pandemic condition. Therefore, reduce activities outside the home, reduce activities that have the potential to interact so that they can be exposed,"

"Essentially, obey health protocols, use masks, keep your distance, then wash your hands, in the days ahead stay at home unless there is an urgent need," said Anies.

New Record of DKI COVID-19 Cases

DKI Jakarta recorded the addition of new cases of COVID-19 today. New cases of 4,737 are the most daily cases during the pandemic.

"24,812 PCR tests were carried out. Of these tests, 17,368 people were tested by PCR today to diagnose new cases with 4,737 positive results and 12,631 negative results," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control of the DKI Jakarta Health Office Dwi Oktavia in his statement, Friday. , June 18.

The number of active cases in Jakarta increased by 2,173 cases, so the number of active cases to date is 24,511 people who are still undergoing isolation or treatment.

Meanwhile, to date, the accumulation of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta has reached 463,552 cases. Of the total number of positive cases, a total of 431,264 people were declared cured with a cure rate of 93.0 percent. Then there were 7,777 people died with a mortality rate of 1.7 percent.

"The positivity rate or the percentage of positive cases in the last week in Jakarta was 21.8 percent," he said.

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