JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin supports Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto's plan to strengthen the defense and security system.

This was conveyed by Ma'ruf Amin at the closing ceremony of the 21st Century National Conference on the National Defense and Security System for the People (Sishankamrata) of the 21st Century, at Sentul Defense University, Bogor, West Java.

Ma'ruf said that one of the efforts to strengthen the defense and security system can be done through providing supplies to all components of the nation, both military and non-military, so that all components can collaborate effectively in facing challenges.

"All components of the nation, including the government, the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the police, and the entire community need to be briefed so that they have preparedness and vigilance, so that all threats and challenges that arise can be dealt with properly," said Ma'ruf, Friday, June 18. .

Ma'ruf also assessed that the management of reserve components and supporting components in Government Regulation (PP) Number 3 of 2021 concerning Management of National Resources for National Defense must be carried out early.

This is done to further strengthen Indonesia's defense system in facing the existing challenges. This is because the current defense and security challenges faced by various countries, including Indonesia, are increasingly complex and dynamic.

"These various components are expected to be part of a mechanism and the frontline in society in protecting and preventing the infiltration of values that are not in accordance with the ideology of Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, such as intolerance, radicalism, and extremism," he explained.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said the defense and national security system needed to be actualized and adapted to current conditions and in the next ten years.

Prabowo said, the legal umbrella related to the current state defense and security system is very limited and old.

"Sishankamrata's strategic products are very limited, even those products from the 1960s-1970s, are more than 50 years old. It needs to be actualized, adapted to the 21st century, with the conditions we face now and in the decades to come," Prabowo said.

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