JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Housing Agency, Sarjoko, said that the Nagrak Flat, Cilincing, North Jakarta will be able to be used as an isolation location for COVID-19 patients next week.

"It is hoped that next week, if needed, the Nagrak Flat will be able to operate", said Sarjoko when confirmed, Friday, June 18.

Sarjoko said that currently 500 velbeds or folding beds, as commonly used by the National Armed Force (TNI) officers, have been installed in each isolation room. Meanwhile, other supporting facilities are still being prepared.

"The velbed from National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) has entered the equipment unit. Other facilities, dispensers, fans, and others are being prepared by the Regional Cooperation Bureau", he said.

It is known, the Nagrak Flat was prepared to be a location for the isolation of COVID-19 patients after the central government stopped the cost of isolation at hotels.

To make it habitable, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has distributed 500 velbeds. This portable sleeping mat is useful as a supporting facility in the Nagrak Flat.

Head of BNPB Ganip Warsito said the facilities in the Nagrak flats were made to deal with the surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia after the Eid holiday.

"We continue to check and monitor the readiness of each isolation place for COVID-19 patients to anticipate a spike in cases, especially the number of positive confirmed patients, in groups of people without symptoms or OTG which is increasing", said Ganip.

Rusun Nagrak has 14 towers. Towers 1 to 5 will be used as isolation locations for COVID-19 patients. Meanwhile, towers 6 to 10 are still in the process of being occupied and towers 11 to 14 are already occupied.

Currently, the government is preparing 1.000 isolation beds for coronavirus patients. If needed, the capacity will be increased to 2.500 beds.

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