Sad News Comes From North Sulawesi, Positive Patients Who Died Of COVID-19 Reaches 551 People
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JAKARTA - The accumulation of residents of North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 increased after the addition of 17 daily cases on Thursday, June 18.

"There are currently 15,900 confirmed positive cases," said the spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in North Sulawesi, Dr. Steaven Dandel MPH in Manado, as reported by Antara, Friday, June 18.

Of the 17 new cases, most came from Manado City (12 cases), followed by North Minahasa Regency and Sangihe Islands Regency with two cases each, and Minahasa Regency (one case).

From the accumulated positive cases of COVID-19, as many as 15,066 people have been declared cured or 94.75 percent, this recovery rate dropped after a few days earlier it touched 95 percent.

Furthermore, the death rate (Case Fatality Rate) is 3.47 percent with the number of cases dying as many as 551 people.

Residents of North Sulawesi who were confirmed positive while receiving treatment at health facilities or doing self-isolation also increased to 283 people or 1.78 percent.

Four days earlier, the total active cases were 240 people, or 1.53 percent.

"Anticipating the outbreak of these cases, the North Sulawesi Provincial Task Force and the Regency and City Task Forces are again promoting mass swab activities for residents as well as implementing micro PPKM in locations where the number of cases is prominent," said Dr. Steaven.

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