JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Health Office, Widyastuti, said the provincial government decided to stop the face-to-face learning (PTM) trial in schools.

This was decided based on the results of a joint meeting between the ranks of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in response to the current increase in COVID-19 cases in the Capital City. However, Widyastuti did not mention how long the PTM would be discontinued.

"With the current conditions and the results of the joint meeting between the Task Force, we have decided that for now, we will not continue the face-to-face piloting, while waiting for the situation in DKI Jakarta", said Widyastuti in a virtual discussion, Thursday, June 17.

Currently, Widyastuti admitted that her party was evaluating the implementation of micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta when cases increased again. However, she has not been able to confirm whether to apply the emergency brake in the form of large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) or not.

"For the withdrawal of the emergency brake or lockdown, of course, a more in-depth analysis is needed, so that how the economy continues to run well, but also the implementation of health protocols goes well", he said.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government held a trial of face-to-face learning (PTM) phase 1 in 226 schools since June 8. This number comes from 143 schools that have passed the training from 308 schools, as well as 83 schools that have previously piloted the PTM projects.

Head of Public Relations of the DKI Education Office, Taga Radja Gah, said that the 83 schools that had implemented PTM some time ago were not included in the pilot program.

"Currently, the PTM trial phase 1. Yesterday was limited piloting. For now, I am correcting it because I just received the information", said Taga, Tuesday, June 8.

In detail, 143 schools consist of 76 elementary schools, 1 Islamic elementary school, 14 junior high schools, 3 Islamic junior high schools, 11 high schools, 1 Islamic high school, 33 vocational schools, and 4 Course and Training Institutes. Plus, the 83 schools that have participated in the piloting are limited.

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