SUMATERA - The Traffic Directorate of the West Sumatra Police (West Sumatra) is targeting the implementation of a two-wheeled vehicle driver's license (SIM) divided into three categories, namely SIM C, SIM CI and SIM CII in August 2021.

West Sumatra Police Traffic Director Kombes Yofie Girianto Putro said that at this time his party was still conducting socialization of the existence of this SIM category to the public.

"We are targeting that in August it will be implemented in the field," he said in Padang as reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 16.

According to him, the Korlantas Polri will provide directions for the implementation of the regulation.

The new classification of SIM C according to Perpol Number 5 of 2021, namely SIM C, applies to driving a motorcycle type motor vehicle with an engine cylinder capacity of up to two hundred and fifty cubic centimeters (250 cc).

Then the CI SIM is valid for driving a motorcycle type motor vehicle with an engine cylinder capacity of above 250 cc to 500 cc or similar motorized vehicles that use electric power.

Finally, the CII SIM is valid for driving a motorcycle type motor vehicle with an engine cylinder capacity of above 500 cc or similar motorized vehicles that use electric power.

Regarding the cost of making a SIM, in accordance with PP number 76 of 2020 regarding the types and rates of non-tax state revenues that apply to the Indonesian National Police, these three SIMs are subject to a fee of IDR 100,000 for issuance per card.

"We urge the public to adjust their driving license with the motorbike they are using. Please come to the local police station to arrange for a driving license," he said.

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