MAGELANG - A total of 57 residents of Gerangan Hamlet, Sriwedari Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, were exposed to COVID-19.

"Gerangan Hamlet consists of two RTs, so these two red zones RTs (Neighborhood Association) have limited closures, micro closures", said Magelang Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Nanda Cahyadi Pribadi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 16.

He said that on Tuesday, June 15, there was an increase in positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Magelang Regency as many as 144 cases.

According to him, of the 144 cases, the most in Muntilan District there were 57 cases.

"The case in Sriwedari Village, Muntilan Subdistrict, was investigated because of close contact with the previous positive case. From the swab test results, 57 positive people were found", he said.

Nanda said that as many as 57 people who were exposed were suspected to be clusters of non-family residents, because of the interaction of residents that caused the spread.

Meanwhile, Sriwedari Village Secretary, Danang Susila Kurniawan, said that at this time he could not conclude from what cluster. Allegedly because of the very high mobility.

He conveyed that regarding the limited closure of Gerangan Hamlet, he did not use the term "lockdown", because psychologically it would affect the community.

"In the meantime, we are coordinating with social services, health offices, sub-districts as well as Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmmas to implement Micro PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities). We use a softer language for village PPKM," he said.

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