MEDAN - A boy named Muhammad Reza Aulia (10) died after being bitten by his neighbor's dog on Jalan Sagu Raya, Perumnas Simalingkar, Medan Tuntungan District, Medan.

The incident occurred on Thursday, June 10, at around 15:00 WIB. The victim died from a wound on his right thigh due to a dog bite.

The victim's attorney, Oky Andriansyah explained, the incident began when the victim passed in front of the dog owner's house. At that time, the dog owner's fence opened.

"The deceased passed by the suspect's house on Thursday the 10th (June). Then at the suspect's house, the fence was opened because the suspect wanted to buy gallons of water," said Oky, Tuesday, June 15.

"So, the deceased passed and the dog was released. The upper right thigh was bitten," he continued.

After that, said Oky, the victim immediately returned to his grandfather's house. The victim immediately complained to his grandfather.

"Mediated with Kepling (head of the neighborhood) to the suspect's house, it was only closed tightly," he explained.

The next day, the victim's grandfather and Kepling returned to the dog owner's house.

"On Friday, we came with Kepling for mediation, because the victim was vaccinated against tetanus on Thursday, but because the rabies vaccine was empty in North Sumatra, we only bought it on Saturday (vaccinated) at Kimia Farma. The rabies vaccine was injected Saturday afternoon, on Sunday he died," Oky said.

According to Oky, before he died, the victim had experienced paralysis. The victim was also treated at the H Adam Malik Hospital.

"Indeed, before he died, the deceased was paralyzed. He was treated yesterday at Adam Malik for a post-mortem there, but there were no symptoms," he explained.

"On Saturday, memory loss started to appear, like a rabid dog, so the symptoms of the deceased were not eating, diarrhea, vomiting," he continued.

For this incident, Oky said the victim's family reported it to the Delitua Police.

"It's been reported, dog owner (which was reported)," he said.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Delitua Police, Iptu Martua Manik, when confirmed, said the case had been transferred to the Medan Polrestabes.

"The handling is at the Satreskrim Polrestabes. It was taken over by the Resort Police," said Martua.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the Medan Polrestabes, Kompol Rafles Langgak Putra, confirmed that his party had taken over the matter.

"It is true that there was a report to the Delitua (Polsek), but to anticipate the commotion, we withdraw it to the Polrestabes," said Rafles.

Currently, said Rafles, his party is still investigating the case. He could not confirm whether the victim died from being bitten by a dog.

"We don't know the cause of death yet. Because he was bitten on Thursday he died on Sunday. We are continuing to investigate," said Rafles.

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