JAKARTA - RTH, this 12-year-old girl can smile blooming again after being able to meet her parents. How could he not, for four years RTH was kidnapped and held by the US alias 48 years old JP.

This case was uncovered after the police arrested AS alias JP at Jalan Depan Sentra Grosir Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, Tuesday, May 12. From there it is known that the US has been kidnapping RTH for four years.

RTH was kidnapped by the perpetrator from his residence in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta in 2016.

Kasubdit I Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri Kombes Reynhard Hutagaol said, in kidnapping RTH the perpetrator used the pretense mode of asking for help to find his child. The deceived victim follows the perpetrator's request.

Instead of looking for the missing child, the perpetrator brought RTH to his place. In fact, during the four years under the perpetrator's power, this little girl was forced to busk to look for money.

"The victim is invited to beg and sing to make ends meet," Reynhard told VOI, Thursday, May 14.

Until finally, the RTH suffering ended when the perpetrator decided to kidnap another girl, JNF, who was thirteen years old in the Cilangkap area, Cipayung, East Jakarta, on Saturday, April 11.

The police who received the report on the suspicion of bringing up the JNF immediately investigated. During the search, the perpetrator and the two victims always moved from place to place. Until finally, about a month later the perpetrator was arrested along with the two girls.

"We managed to arrest the perpetrator in his rented house. We also secured evidence that two motorbikes were allegedly stolen," said Reynhard.


Based on the results of the examination, for four years, RTH was often the victim of abuse. However, for JNF it is not yet known because when the boy was secured, the boy was still traumatized.

"(RTH) is exploited sexually. For JNF it has not been explored, when it was rescued it was still traumatic," said Reynhard.

In fact, the kidnapping and sexual acts are not the first time. Previously, the perpetrator was also involved in a similar case with the victim's neighbor's child when he contracted in the South Bekasi area, on March 25, 2020.

Based on the perpetrator's confession, the act of kidnapping and sexual abuse was based on a feeling of love for children so they were desperate to do so.

"His admission was a motive because he was just happy with children," concluded Reynhard.

For his actions, JP was charged with Article 332 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 years in prison and Article 76 in conjunction with Article 82 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Immigration, Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with the threat of 15 years in prison and Article 363 of the Criminal Code. regarding Motor Vehicle Theft with the threat of 7 years in prison.

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