LAMPUNG - Police are investigating the motive for the burning of KM Sekar Tanjung 1 who was catching fish in the Sukabanjar waters of East Agung City, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung. The burning was carried out by a group of residents.

"The case of the burning motor boat occurred on Sunday (13/6) at around 10:00 WIB in the waters of Sukabanjar, East Agung City, Tanggamus Regency," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 14.

He said KM Sekar Tanjung I, commanded by Rusdi and 10 crew members (ABK) at 08.00 WIB were catching fish in the waters of Sukabanjar.

Not long after, he continued, 30 people from Sukabanjar arrived and stopped KM Sekar Tanjung 1 and forced them to be escorted to Batu Balai Tanggamus Harbor.

Pandra explained that the personnel of the Water and Air Police Post (Polairud) of the City of Agung Polda Lampung after receiving a report from one of the residents went directly to the crime scene (TKP) and mediated so that the residents handed over KM Sekar Tanjung 1 to the officers.

"Initially the residents agreed and the ship left for Kota Agung with the local fisherman as the captain, while the Polairud members secured the captain and crew of KM Sekar Tanjung 1 by land.

However, he said, when they arrived in the middle of the sea, about 20 people using boats blocked and set fire to KM Sekar Tanjung 1.

Then the residents who were on the ground intercepted the Polairud members who were carrying the captain and crew, but with alacrity the members, the captain and the crew of KM Sekar Tanjung 1 were successfully secured to the Polairud Unit of the Lampung Police.

"Until now, investigators from the Lampung Polda Sat Polairud are still conducting in-depth investigations and investigations to find out who the perpetrators are and what is the motive for the destruction of the Sekar Tanjung 1 KM," said Pandra.

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