JAKARTA - Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji became public attention because he was arrested for narcotics possession. However, the police have not disclosed anything about the case.

For now, the police have just conveyed a few things regarding Anji. For example, the arrest process was carried out at one of the studios in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta, on Friday, June 11.

"That's right, we have just secured a well-known musician with the initials AN," said West Jakarta Police Chief Grand Commissioner Ady Wibowo in a written statement, Sunday, June 13.

Later, from the arrest, the police also said that they found a large amount of evidence. However, the type and amount of the narcotics were not disclosed.

So far, only mentioned in the arrest that one of the evidences is marijuana-type narcotics. It's also not explained how much.

"The evidence is quite diverse and quite a lot. We will present it later," said Ady.

Moreover, in the process of arresting, no one else was with Anji. On that basis, the police might suspect that all the evidence found belonged to the musician.

"Right now, it's temporary," said Ady.

On the other hand, Ady also said that Anji's condition is still good even though he has undergone intensive examinations for three days in a row.

In fact, Anji is still being investigated for his statement in the development of the narcotics case.

"Currently Anji is still undergoing investigation. We have just arrested him and we are investigating," said Ady.

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