JAKARTA - A letter with the head of one of the community organizations (Ormas) has circulated asking for holiday allowances (THR). In fact, a copy of the letter contained the name of the East Bekasi Police Chief, Kompol Sutoyo.

After investigating, it turned out that Sutoyo's name was picked up by a mass organization requesting THR. Sutoyo has also called the mass organization and asked to withdraw all the letters that contain copies of him.

"I have called (the Ormas, red) let alone use my copy, all kinds of copies to the Police Chief, I have asked to withdraw the letter," said Sutoyo, Tuesday, May 12.

In addition, said Sutoyo, the mass organization had also made a written statement that it would not send a letter requesting THR to the public or to the company, including the name of the official.

He said, although there are no regulations that prohibit mass organizations from asking for allowances, if there are parties who feel threatened or burdened, they can be brought into the realm of crime.

For this reason, citizens or companies are welcome to report to the police if there is an element of coercion or extortion carried out by these organizations.

"Yes, it can be followed up if there are reports, for example the community is worried because there is a demand for this THR money," said Sutoyo.

Criminologist at the University of Indonesia, Adrianus Meliala, said that the activity of asking for allowances by mass organizations is very close to hearing about violations of the law. Moreover, if they threaten or intimidate them when they do it.

Referring to Article 369 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, those who force and threaten to get profit, then, can be charged with imprisonment for 4 years.

"Close (to criminal) if from the start the intention was to frighten, threaten or blackmail," said Adrianus.

Meanwhile, a criminal law observer from Al Azhar University Suparji Ahmad said, not only using the criminal article about threats, these organizations could also be charged with fraud. In many cases, the donations were not used as intended.

"Moreover, fraud and embezzlement are clearly not allowed (to violate the criminal law)," said Suparji.

If the mass organization is proven to have committed embezzlement and fraud, then they could be charged under Articles 378 and 372 of the Criminal Code. However, if the management of the donation money is correct, then the criminal law will not apply.

"Contribution in Indonesia is something that is normal and common. If it is managed properly and correctly, it is not a violation of the law," concluded Suparji.

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