BADUNG - Petang Police personnel, Badung, Bali, arrested two perpetrators of theft named Gede Sudarma (28) and his brother-in-law named Kadek Fendy Apriady (27) who stole 8 laptop units at Elementary School 4 Sulangai.

"The perpetrator was (arrested) after being on the run for 6 days", said Evening Police Chief AKP I Ketut Gita, Monday, June 7.

The theft case was known from I Ketut Mudra's report on Thursday, May 27. He reported the loss of 8 units of HP brand laptops, all of which were inventory items for the school where he taught.

At that time, the victim received a report from WhatsApp from one of the employees named, Desak Putu Yoga Ari, regarding the incident of the window prying and found pieces of wire that were bent or modified.

Then the victim checked that there were 8 laptops stolen by the thief. According to the victim's report, the police arrested the perpetrator, Gede Sudarma, on June 1 in West Denpasar. From this arrest, the police arrested Kadek Fendy.

"The problem is, the loss cannot be calculated, it is still under investigation", he said.

The perpetrator admitted that the economy was squeezed so he was desperate to steal. Police confiscated 2 stolen laptops.

"The mode is to take it by opening the entrance using a key or a tool made of modified or bent wire", said AKP Gita.

The two perpetrators were charged with Article 363, Paragraph 3 letter e and paragraph 4, letter e of the Criminal Code.

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