JAKARTA - Head of Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin stated that McDonald's Sarinah could be penalized for holding an event that resulted in a crowd of people last night. This is because the crowding activities violate the rules of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) that are currently taking place in DKI.

However, unfortunately, said Arifin, Satpol PP does not give sanctions for temporary suspension of operations to companies that violate the PSBB status rules. Because, McDonald's outlets are closed starting today.

"The business premises there have been closed, that's it," said Arifin when contacted, Monday, May 11.

Arifin claimed that the Satpol PP personnel only arrived when the crowd at McDonald's Sarinah was already underway because they had just received a report on the incident. When he arrived, Arifin saw McDonald's holding a store closure procession.

However, because McDonald's Sarinah was on the side of the road, as a result, many residents easily joined the crowd. this crowd went viral and was busy being discussed on social media.

"So, then Satpol PP drove to the location to disperse the crowds," said Arifin.

After dispersing the crowd, the Satpol PP officials held a meeting with McDonald's management. To the fast food restaurant company, Arifin stated that the activities carried out violated the PSBB. McDonald's Sarinah was given a strong reprimand.

"We strongly rebuked, in the sense that we reprimanded the organizers of the activity, because there should no longer be any ceremonial activities. Moreover, it was on the side of the road," he said.

McDonald's Sarinah the day before the closure looks like a tourist spot (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

After the prosecution by Satpol PP, Arifin stated that the people gathered there were not identified as people under monitoring (ODP) for COVID-19 even though they had gathered. "It won't take long. After that, just dissolve it," he said.

As previously reported, a crowd of residents appeared in front of McDonald's Sarinah, MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, last night. This was triggered by the enthusiasm of the public who wanted to buy food as well as seeing the conditions for the closure of the first McDonald's outlet in Indonesia on May 10.

In fact, currently DKI Jakarta is implementing the status of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 until May 22.

McDonald's Sarinah has started to be crowded after breaking the fast, around 19.00 WIB. On that day, McDonald's Sarinah serves purchases until 22.00 WIB. The queue for food purchases at McDonald's Sarinah snaked its way outside. Shoppers are required to queue by implementing health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public interest on the last day before McDonald's Sarinah closed its store increased around 21.00 WIB. Some are still waiting in line, some are just looking at the situation. Until 21.45 WIB, McDonald's closed the queue and no more customers could buy food.

Furthermore, the management held a procession such as a closing ceremony, starting from remarks from the outlet manager, to closing the curtain as a symbol of the termination of McDonald's Sarinah operations.

The front parking lot of McDonald's Sarinah is getting busier. Many residents approached to see the closure process carried out by management in the building. Some of them capture the moment using their respective cellphones.

Approaching 23.00 WIB, the Jakarta Satpol PP came to the McDonald's Sarinah area. From the car parked in front of the location, through the loudspeaker, Satpol PP officers asked residents to disperse.

Not long after that, McDonald's management and the Sarinah building security officers dispersed the crowd. The residents gradually returned to their respective homes.

Many residents come to McDonald's Sarinah to capture the moment before this place closes forever (Angga Nugraha / VOI)

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