JAKARTA - Fifth President Megawati Soekarnoputri inaugurated the statue of the Proclaimer Sukarno riding on a horse in the courtyard of the Ministry of Defense office. This statue was inspired by the event when the first commander-in-chief of the republic's army inspected troops in commemoration of the first anniversary of 1946.

Prior to the inauguration, Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo explained that Bung Karno was not only the first president of Indonesia, but also the proclaimer of independence as well as the originator of the ideology that united the Indonesian nation, namely Pancasila.

"A great nation is a nation that respects the services of its heroes," said Prabowo, at the virtual event, Sunday, June 6 2021.

According to him, it is appropriate for the next generation to remember Bung Karno's services. He explained that the statue was inspired by the incident on October 5, 1946, when, as the supreme commander of the armed forces, Bung Karno was the ceremonial inspector.

"Let's fight together so that his values will survive and be maintained by all future generations in the days and years to come. May his dreams come true, Indonesia stands on its own feet, is respected by all nations in the world, and the Indonesian people achieve prosperity , prosperity and justice," Prabowo explained.

Before inaugurating the statue, Megawati spoke as the fifth president as well as representing the Bung Karno family. He started by thanking and paying special respects to Prabowo.

"... The Minister of Defense and also my friend for the inauguration of this Bung Karno statue," said Megawati.

According to Megawati, this inauguration is very special. Because the day coincided with the 120th anniversary of Bung Karno's birthday. "So we really think that the family is very special," added Megawati.

According to him, this momentum does not only remind the entire struggle of the Son of the Dawn, all his struggles and ideals for the Republic of Indonesia. Megawati explained that many of the achievements made by her father while leading the republic from the beginning of her birth, were recognized by the world.

"The inauguration of the Bung Karno statue makes the whole fire of the history of the nation's struggle rekindle and for us makes a fire of passion that never goes out as energy for the struggle to bring this nation more and more sovereignly and progressively in all aspects of life but remains firm in the character and culture of the nation," said Megawati.

"On behalf of the entire Bung Karno family, once again I want to say a thousand thanks for this honor, which I think is very extraordinary," concluded Megawati.

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