JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated 100 thousand houses for the state civil apparatus (ASN) of the National Police in Tangerang, Banten.

Sigit, who is familiarly called the National Police Chief, said that the construction of houses is one of the actions in the concept of transforming the National Police into Precision.

"This is in line with the aim of improving the welfare of Polri employees," said Sigit, quoted by Antara, Friday, June 4.

According to the National Police Chief, the fulfillment of housing needs, which is carried out in stages, can maximize the performance of personnel or ASN. Given, the house is one of the basic human needs.

General Sigit also thanked all parties who have supported the success of the program.

According to him, when basic needs are met, it is hoped that deviations in member behavior can be minimized and members can focus on providing the best service to the community, while working.

"Members don't think about their family at home anymore because the housing conditions are not proper," said Sigit.

In the achievement of the 100-day program, National Police Chief Sigit explained that 213,526 personnel or 49.3 percent already own a house. 146,494 personnel or 33.7 percent of personnel do not have a home. And 72,936 personnel or 17 percent have inhabited the official residence of the National Police.

"The National Police is collaborating with 35 developers or developers and four credit-giving banks in fulfilling housing for PNPP through the construction of subsidized and non-subsidized mortgage housing as many as 34,491 units consisting of 17,400 apartment units and 17,091 landed housing units which are planned to be completed in 2024," said Sigit.

During the event, Sigit also inaugurated the Tangerang City Police Presisi building.

Sigit hopes that the inauguration of the Presisi building will further enhance the current transformation of the National Police in the field of public services so as to achieve the quality expected by the public. The goal is for the community to get the best service.

"I welcome the inauguration of the new building of the Tangerang City Police because it is a real step in supporting the implementation of Polri's duties to improve the quality of public services," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief emphasized that the transformation of public services must focus on modernizing the infrastructure for police service centers supported by an integrated quality management system 'big data', communication technology, and public communication systems, as well as good media management.

"Hopefully the Tangerang City Police will be able to realize a precise police posture so that they are always able to provide excellent service to the community and are able to answer people's expectations," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief Sigit hopes that the building will soon be equipped with friendly support facilities for people with disabilities, women and children.

In addition, said Sigit, the Presisi Police building must be in accordance with the ideals of its construction, namely the 'Smart Building' (smart building) which is a concept referring to the use of information and communication technology.

Meanwhile, services at the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) can be integrated with all other service function units such as SKCK services, loss letter services, licensing services for community activities.

The same applies to the use of the 'Hotline' for police services and other community services at the 'command center'.

"As I promised during the 'fit and proper test' with the DPR RI, that the police office will be a modern, humanist and friendly place for everyone, especially for people with disabilities, women and children," said Sigit.

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