JAKARTA - The Head of the Transportation Agency asked cyclists to be more disciplined when using the road. This follows the road bike community who apologized after going viral using the right lane on Jalan Sudirman.

"Of course we hope that they will be more disciplined when they are on the road. If there is no permanent bicycle lane, please use the leftmost lane for safety and security", said Syafrin at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, June 3.

Syafrin explained that road users are required to adhere to the guidelines of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation in their activities in traffic spaces. Including, the division of lanes on the road.

It is known, Article 299 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning LLAJ states that anyone who drives a non-motorized vehicle who deliberately holds on to a motorized vehicle to be pulled over, pulls objects that can endanger other road users, and/or uses the vehicle's lane as charged with a maximum imprisonment of 15 days or a maximum fine of IDR 100.000.

"Always, the right lane is for faster vehicles. So, bicycles cannot be in the far right lane if there is no regulation. Therefore, they are obliged to be on the far left", said Syafrin.

For information, a photo of motorcycle riders with an AA license plate and a group of cyclists or road bikers suddenly became a hot topic of discussion on social media. In the photo, the motorcyclist is pointing his middle finger at the group of bicycles that fill the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman section.

After much discussion, the @goshow.cc Instagram account gave clarification. In an English caption, the account said they were cycling together to celebrate the birthday of one of their community members.

@goshow.cc admitted that they were driving on the right lane to pass down traffic in Dukuh Atas. This is due to the bus crossing to the Dukuh Atas underpass. After crossing, the roadbike cyclists wanted to return to the left lane, suddenly a motorcycle cyclist overtook and raised their middle finger.

Their explanations were countered by many netizens. A number of parties feel that the group of cyclists is still wrong because they use the right lane. Finally, @goshow.cc apologized.

"For the crowds a few days ago, we from the #GoShowcc community apologize to the community. We are committed to better road use in the future. Share and evaluate past mistakes so that all road users can feel safe and comfortable", he said.

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