JAKARTA - Deputy Mayor of Palangka Raya Umi Mastikah said that the cumulative number of COVID-19 patients who had recovered was 5,875 people.

"Until yesterday the number of recovered patients seeking exposure to COVID-19 was 5,875 after the addition of 18 recovered patients," said Umi in Palangka Raya, reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 2.

The cumulative number of residents infected with the coronavirus in Palangka Raya City was recorded at 6,416 people and 199 of them died.

According to data from the Palangka Raya COVID-19 Handling Task Force, there are 342 people with coronavirus infection who are still undergoing treatment.

Meanwhile, the number of people categorized as COVID-19 suspects is 1,228 people in the entire Palangka Raya City area which includes five sub-districts with 30 regencies.

The Palangka Raya City Government has made various efforts to control the transmission of COVID-19, including campaigning for the implementation of health protocols; carry out tracking, examination, and handling of cases of disease transmission; and carry out vaccinations.

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