JAKARTA - The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, should not have disclosed the plans for the reopening of public transportation services that were not detailed before it was officially announced by the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19.

This plan was revealed by Budi in a virtual meeting with Commission V DPR RI, yesterday. Budi Karya said that this transportation operation was included in the derivative of Ministerial Regulation Number 25 of 2020 concerning Transportation Control during the 2020 Homecoming Season to Suppress the Spread of COVID-19.

Previously, the Ministry of Transportation stopped all commercial passenger transportation from April 24 to May 31, 2020. This policy applies in the PSBB area and the red zone to prevent the possibility of Covid-19 transmission.

Budi then stated that all the criteria and requirements for whoever is allowed to use this long-distance transportation service will be regulated by the Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo who also serves as Head of BNPB.

"BNPB will provide criteria, the contents are certain criteria. Later, BNPB together with the Ministry of Health can determine and it can be done," he said.

"The point is elaboration, not relaxation. That means, it is possible for all modes of air transportation, rail, sea, bus to return to operations. With a note, they must comply with health protocols," he added.

Due to this statement, many residents thought that the government had relaxed its transportation mobilization policy. Thus, the government is considered to have allowed its citizens to return to homecoming.

From this, Doni Monardo, Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, considers that there is an impression that the public is allowed to go home when restrictions are violated by reopening transportation transportation. Therefore, Doni feels the need to emphasize that the ban on going home remains in effect.

"I emphasize that there is no change in regulations regarding going home. That means going home is prohibited. Period!"

Doni Monardo

Doni said this policy was contained in the Circular of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Number 4 of 2020 concerning Criteria for Restricting People in the Context of Accelerating Handling of COVID-19.

On the statement of the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno also helped to straighten the opinion of residents who thought that homecoming had now been allowed. He explained, according to SE Task Force No.4 / 2020, there are several parties who may use the public transportation service.

They are people who work for government or private institutions that carry out activities "that are excluded, such as services for accelerating the handling of COVID-19, defense, security and public order services, health services, basic needs services, basic service support services, and functional services. economy is important, "he explained.

Then, what is excluded next are trips of patients who need emergency health services or trips of people whose core family members are seriously ill or have died.

In addition, the repatriation of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), Indonesian citizens, and students who are abroad, as well as the repatriation of people for special reasons by the government to their place of origin, is in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Homecoming is not an exemption from travel restrictions. That means going home is still prohibited,"

State Secretary Pratikno

The Minister of Transportation made a scene

Public policy observer, Agus Pambagio, thinks Budi Karya's statement has caused a riot in the community. Agus views Budi's presentation at the meeting with the DPR to be inappropriate, thus confusing the public.

"In my opinion, it is not fitting for the Minister of Transportation to convey this. If the issuance of an SE from the Task Force, the Minister of Transportation should not have spoken because it is not his main function. Because the Task Force is at the ministerial level and directly under the president," said Agus.

Agus said that Budi as a public official should coordinate first with the agency authorized to deal with the COVID-19 issue before making a public statement.

"We are now handling the conflict, not going home. For this one, the task is the Task Force because there is an authority over the transfer of medical devices and all kinds," he concluded.

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