JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri gave a clear message to 1,271 employees who passed the National Insight Test (TWK) and were officially inaugurated as ASN State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on Tuesday 1 June 2021 yesterday.

"Our message from this pulpit is that every member of the KPK should never hesitate and continue to be committed to eradicating corruption without the influence of any power, whether it be executive, legislative and judicial," said Firli Bahuri.

Indonesian communicator, Emrus Sihombing, assessed that Firli's message in verbal communication symbol means firmness that the eradication and prevention of corruption will not be extinguished.

"There is no doubting the KPK's commitment and performance under the leadership of Firli Bahuri to prevent and eradicate corruption," said Emrus, Wednesday, June 2.

As evidence, continued Emrus, Firli's message contained the meaning on the one hand that he wanted to present facts, data and legal evidence that the current KPK is showing its 'tajir' by processing anyone strongly suspected of being involved in corruption regardless of social position and position in government.

"On the other hand, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is currently carrying out a clean-up process by processing rogue employees, including the perpetrators of the alleged theft of evidence (barbuk) by unscrupulous KPK employees," he explained.

According to Emrus, with the strength of 1,271 ASN employees, the prevention and eradication of corruption in the country will be more systematic, directed, professional, independent based on positive law. This is in line with the President's view that the transfer of the status of KPK employees to ASN will make the eradication and prevention of corruption more systematic.

"Of course this is a new work culture at the KPK after the inauguration of 1,271 ASN KPK," said the political communication expert at Pelita Harapan University (UPH).

Furthermore, he said, the strong commitment and enthusiasm as said by the Chairman of the KPK when inaugurating ASN also meant that no one, anyone and whatever their status, committed corruption, whether it happened in the executive, legislative, judicial institutions, involving or not involving the private sector. .

In addition, said Emrus, to maintain the reputation of the KPK Institution in the public eye, internally by KPK employees, supervision must still be carried out by the KPK Inspectorate so that no ASN misbehaves. Such as trying or carrying out allegations of stealing evidence (barbucket) or other forms of delinquency, mainly related to suspects or suspects.

Meanwhile, for those who have not been lucky enough to become ASN in the KPK, work outside the KPK to help this country as soon as possible escape the suffering caused by corrupt behavior by corruptors.

If it is still considered not in accordance with the law, Emrus suggests taking legal steps, as an example through the Administrative Court so that the settlement is more formal and conducive.

"On this occasion I suggest to the Fellowship of the Church of Indonesia (PGI) to put forward its main task and function, which is to bring in prayer so that all who work at the KPK obtain health and blessings from God," he concluded.

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