JAKARTA - Spokesman for the Minister of Defense Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak clarified the circulation of the Draft Presidential Regulation (Raperpres) document on Defense and Security Equipment Tools (Alpalhankam) of the Ministry of Defense and the TNI.

"Raperpres is a planning document under in-depth discussion and testing, it is not and has not become a final decision," said Dahnil in a press release reported by Antara, Monday, May 31.

The defense planning document is part of state secrets and is an internal document under ongoing discussions.

"We regret that there are parties who leaked and made the document a political tool to develop political hatred and political gossip that was full of nuances of political jealousy," said Dahnil.

The Ministry of Defense will take firm measures to investigate who is responsible for distributing the document so that it becomes a public confusion.

Dahnil said, in accordance with President Joko Widodo's directive to Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, that President Jokowi wanted clarity in the next 5 to 25 years, Indonesia could have any defense and security guard.

"Departing from the directive, by also looking at the condition of our defense and security guard, which is factually old. In fact, 60 percent of our defense and security guard is very old and outdated and worrisome," he said.

Thus, said Dahnil, modernization of the defense and security system is a necessity because a strong defense related to state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and the safety of the nation must be maintained in the long term.

Therefore, the Ministry of Defense proposed a formula for modernizing the defense and security system through the reorganization of the defense and security spending and financing.

This reorganization of spending and financing for defense and security will be carried out consistently and sustainably through the mechanism for spending on defense and security, five strategic plans are spent in the first strategic plan, in 2020-2024, so that Indonesia's ideal defense posture can be achieved in 2025 or 2026, and the ideal posture lasts until 2044. .

With this formula, said Dahnil, in 2044, new spending for the next 25 years will begin.

"If it is anologized, this spending formula is like building a house. We finance the construction of a house within a certain time, then it becomes an ideal house, instead of building it in installments, starting from the window first, then there will be more money then building the door and so on," said Dahnil. .

According to Dahnil, the financing needed is still under discussion and comes from foreign loans.

The value, he continued, would later not burden the APBN and would not reduce other expenditure allocations in the APBN which were national development priorities.

This is because the loans that are likely to be given by several countries, said Dahnil, are given in long tenors and very low interest rates and are paid using the Ministry of Defense budget allocation which is allocated annually in the State Budget.

"With the assumption, the Ministry of Defense's budget allocation in the APBN is consistent at around 0.8 percent of GDP over the next 25 years," he explained. Nevertheless, said Dahnil, all the formulas are still under discussion with the relevant parties.

"Not a finished concept and ready to be implemented," said Dahnil.

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