JAKARTA - The Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) opened higher on trading Wednesday, May 6. JCI opened higher by 0.18 percent or 8.53 points to the level of 4,638.67.

Opening trades, 64 stocks rose, 20 stocks fell, and 33 stocks remained stagnant. The trading volume was recorded at 35.69 million shares and was transacted for IDR 12.21 billion.

Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Lanjar Nafi predicts that today's HSG will continue strengthening with a range of support and resistance at the level of 4,610-4,810.

Stocks that investors can observe on today's trade include PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM), PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI), PT Bank Tabungan, Negara Tbk (BBTN), PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP), PT Harum Energy Tbk (HRUM), PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) and PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF).

Meanwhile, Binaartha Sekuritas analyst M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama also predicts that the JCI will strengthen today. Based on technical analysis, it indicates a further strengthening of the movement.

"JCI so that it has the opportunity to go to the nearest resistance," he said.

In the support area, JCI will be at the level of 4,747.88 to 4,975.54. Meanwhile, the resistance level is in the range 4,569.16 to 4,443.63.

This morning, stocks that were among the top gainers included, PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA) which rose 6.06 percent to IDR105, PT Bank BRIsyariah Tbk (BRIS) which rose 4.76 percent to IDR264, and PT Elnusa. Tbk (ELSA) which strengthened 4.72 percent to Rp222.

Meanwhile, stocks that are in the top losers include PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (BJTM) which fell 6.48 percent to Rp505, PT Jasnita Telekomindo Tbk (JAST) which fell 6.40 percent to Rp117, and PT. Dewata Freightinternational Tbk (DEAL) which fell 6.25 percent to Rp105.

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