SURABAYA - A total of 67 Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from East Java recovered from COVID-19. Currently, there are 53 people who are still undergoing isolation at the Indrapura Field Hospital (RSLI) Surabaya.

"In total there were 120 PMIs that were previously positive, but last Sunday there were 67 PMIs that were negative. So that currently 53 people are still in isolation at the RSLI", said the Head of the Volunteer Assistance Program for the Family Assistance of COVID-19 Patients at the RSLI, Radian Jadid, confirmed on Monday , May 31.

Radian said the 53 PMI consisted of 26 women and 27 men. Meanwhile, 67 people have recovered, consisting of 38 men and 29 women. Dozens of PMIs came from various regions in East Java.

Until now, continued Ardian, a total of 11.000 PMIs have arrived in East Java since their arrival on April 28 to May 30, a total of 11.000 people.

Of that number, 120 people were positive for COVID-19, and most or 90 more PMIs came from Malaysia, then Singapore, dozens of people and several others from Brunei Darussalam, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and Japan.

"Of the total who underwent treatment, there were two patients who were confirmed to have the new variant of COVID-19", he said.

The patient with confirmed new variant B.117 (English strain) initialed P, was admitted with mild symptoms without comorbidities or comorbidities, after 14 days of treatment his clinical condition continued to improve and confirmed two negative swab tests.

Meanwhile, the patient with confirmed new variant B.1351 (South African strain) with the initials M was admitted without symptoms, but comorbid. After 18 days of treatment and undergoing two negative swab tests, his clinical condition improved.

The two patients, each from Jember and Sampang districts, have been declared cured and have been discharged from the hospital.

On the other hand, based on data from the East Java Municipal Police (Satpol PP) team on duty at the Surabaya Hajj Dormitory, on Sunday, May 30, another 233 PMI arrived who boarded two planes from Singapore and Malaysia.

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